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St. Paul's House

Serve at Morning Soup Kitchen for Hungry NYC Neighbors

About this Opportunity

St. Paul's House opens our doors to NYC neighbors to come in, join our community Gospel time, and later enjoy a hearty breakfast (that our team prepares) to prepare them for the day.

Our volunteer team strives to create a safe and welcoming space in love for neighbors from all walks of NYC life: from those who live (newly arrived and seasoned) in the neighborhood, to neighbors currently unhoused, to neighbors who want to pop in before work. We have finally opened back up and are inviting neighbors to come inside!

We are especially in need of bilingual volunteers who speak Spanish and English.

Tentative Schedule

  • 7:00 AM - Arrival/Volunteer Orientation
  • 7:15 AM - Open Doors/Coffee Time
  • 7:30 AM - Community Gospel Service
  • 8:00 AM - Serving Indoor Breakfast
  • 8:30 AM - Close Doors/Clean-Up
  • 9:00 AM - Departure

Our team understands if you need to leave before 9:00 AM to make it to work/personal engagements. You're still encouraged to come and participate as you can!

We welcome youth (middle & high school) volunteers.

  • Students 9th grade and up can volunteer independently, provided their parents complete our waiver forms.
  • Middle school students should be accompanied by parents or guardians and fill out our waiver forms.

Process: Click RSVP to sign up! Once you have done that, St. Paul's House will send additional information and a Calendly confirmation email.


335 W 51st St
New York, NY 10019
United States

Opportunity For
Age Minimum