COVID-19 Stories of Hope: Empowering Our Immigrant Neighbors

Our melting pot country is founded on immigrants from England who emigrated to a new world in pursuit of a life of freedom. Through the years, as more immigrants from various countries have come to America, they have helped shape and form our cities and states, and become an essential part of our economy.
In the month of June, our Prayer Guide focuses on praying for our immigrant neighbors. During COVID-19, many of our affiliates who serve the immigrant community have continued providing connection points and support. Here are the ways some of these affiliates have continued serving.
Brooklyn Arab American Friendship Center
The BAAFC has continued providing ESL courses to new Arab-American immigrants. Dr. Fadia recently shared:
"It is amazing how technology is serving us at this time and making it possible to continue serving our students. We are blessed with beautiful and dedicated volunteers who are faithfully holding Zoom classes with different-level classes morning and evening. Students express their appreciation and great need for these times to give them hope and encourage them. Some of them and their families had the coronavirus, and we prayed with them."

Dr. Fadia at our Annual Affiliate Convening in January 2020
The Open Door NJNY
In April, we shared how The Open Door began providing grocery gift cards to the immigrant families they served when teaching ESL. They have continued supporting families through the gifts cards, and have also begun hosting virtual ESL courses.
You can also participate in teaching virtual ESL courses twice a week, or teaching GED classes over the summer!
Open Hands Legal Services
Even as the courts closed and access to legal counsel became limited, Open Hands Legal Services continued to be available for their clients.
The also shared the four ways they provided legal aid during COVID-19: advising on eligibility for unemployment and filing applications; preparing clients for eviction cases; advocating for food stamp benefits and food resources; overseeing emergency family court matters.
The effects of COVID-19 will be long lasting, and we are determined to provide ongoing support to our affiliates. We invite you to join The Hope Exchange, our monthly giving program, to help sustain their crucial work beyond this crisis.