Prayer for 'Hope That Is Beyond Understanding'

Downtown NYC skyline

We recently held one of our Annual Affiliates Convening for the fall season. At the Convening, we asked several affiliates to pray, including City Relief. Read and hear a prayer from Josiah Haken, VP of Outreach Operations.


Lord, it’s difficult to remain hopeful when it feels like when everything around you is crumbling, when we see you on the cross and  we wonder what you’re doing, and why it’s going down the way it is.

But, Lord, you were there with us. You were reminding us that resurrection is coming. That even death itself cannot take away our hope. Every loss, transition, mental health crisis, political chaos, economic downturn—all that is still within your grasp and within your abilities to redeem and restore.

So, Lord, I just pray for...every affiliate, every organization, that you would fill us with hope for resurrection. That you would remind us to lift our eyes to the one who conquered death, to the one who is unintimidated, who is not worried or scared but who is standing firm and who has defeated death.

Lord, you care so much for the people of this city. You care so much for the hungry and the hurting. You hear their prayers. You hear their cries. You know what they’re dealing with right now even as we pray. And you are calling this community to respond to their needs.

And we have hope, God, that you will provide everything that we need to be everything they need.

I just pray, Lord, that we would be filled hope that is beyond understanding, hope that is not shaken by circumstance, hope that is not shaken by struggle and doubt.

Lord, we need a hope that is truly eternal, that is everlasting. And praise be to God we have it. So we just give you praise.

We thank you, Lord, for being our hope. Thank you for giving us the hope of resurrection in spite of the last two years, and in spite of everything we’re continuing to deal with.

Lord, we thank you for the hope that comes from you and you alone. And we just praise you, God, that you are going to use this community to bring hope to this city.

We give you all the praise and glory. I pray in Jesus’ name.
