Providing Nearly 9,000 Meals to Food Insecure New Yorkers

Food Insecurity Collaboration Harlem

In a city where an average 1.3 million New Yorkers are food insecure, Hope for New York, P.S. Kitchen, The Salvation Army, and City Relief have come together to show the strength and power of our network to address hunger.

As a result of our focus on food insecurity, a generous HFNY donor felt called to provide funding to help feed hungry New Yorkers. Our donor was connected to local vegan restaurant P.S. Kitchen to fund hot meals (like pasta with vegan meatballs and salad) that are then distributed through The Salvation Army and City Relief outreaches in Harlem.


Feeding Hungry New Yorkers in Harlem

Every Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday during the summer, healthy meals will be provided to an average of 266 adults and children in the Harlem community. Nearly 9,000 meals will be distributed between July and August, all funded by our generous donor and more supporters. 

P.S. Kitchen will also continue "giving back" by employing men and women who need second chances and are recommended by HFNY affiliate partners Restore NYC and Defy Ventures. 

According to our friends at The Salvation Army, 79% of New Yorkers are finding it harder to afford groceries and 85% find food costs are increasing faster than their income. Since the pandemic, the number of New Yorkers relying on local soup kitchens and food pantries have more than doubled. 


Feeding the Five Thousand

In the Book of Luke, Jesus feeds the five thousand people in a town called Bethsaida with only five loaves of bread and two fish. "Taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, [Jesus] gave thanks and broke them. Then he gave them to the disciples to distribute to the people. They all ate and were satisfied, and the disciples picked up twelve basketfuls of broken pieces that were left over."

This summer and beyond, we have a practical goal to feed neighbors in need receive through consistent meals, and we also have a spiritual goal to show the love of Christ to individuals in need of hope.