Virtual Fall Benefit 2020: The Four Biggest Moments

On Thursday, October 22, we hosted our annual Fall Benefit as a virtual experience!
Our evening was dedicated to the restoration and stabilization of our affiliates, plus their ongoing work of biblical mercy and justice in New York City. Here are the four big highlights of our evening:
HFNY Affiliates Share the Impact of COVID-19
Many of our affiliates shared how COVID-19 affected the communities they served, and their work within neighborhoods across our city. Our affiliates also shared how both the HFNY Relief Fund grants and Direct grants helped them support many neighbors in need with food and groceries, hygiene supplies and PPE, virtual education supplies, and more. HFNY distributed $750,000 in Relief Fund grants to 39 affiliates and then $2.1 million in Direct grants to more affiliates.
More Affiliates Explain What Biblical Mercy & Justice Means
Five affiliates shared what biblical mercy and justice means to them, and how how issues like racial injustice and systemic injustice has further impacted their work. The Bowery Mission, Community Connections for Youth, New Beginnings Center of Hope, The Open Door, and Safe Families for Children talked about the injustices that are rooted in homelessness, youth incarceration, healthcare, immigrant experiences, and vulnerable families.
Special Guests Discuss Why Mercy & Justice Is a Calling
Four experts in the Christian space joined our host, Rev. Abe Cho, Senior Pastor of Redeemer East Side, for a broader conversation about biblical mercy and justice. Thabiti Anyabwile, Dr. Christina Edmondson, Ekemini Uwan, and Rich Villodas spoke about why biblical justice is a Christian calling, and why it's important to our faith. They also shared their hope for Christians fulfilling this calling.
Singer/Songwriter Joy Ike Performs "Walk"
To end the night, Joy Ike (who performs solo and with The Porter's Gate), sang "Walk," from her album Bigger Than Your Box. Many viewers who commented throughout the night shared that "Walk" (based on Micah 6:8) was their new go-to song!
Our giving goal for the night was $1.1 million and, together, the HFNY network reached $964,859 (as of Monday afternoon). If you weren't able to join our event, we hope you will still join us in supporting our affiliates during the COVID-19 recovery and rebuilding phase.
We are so thankful to everyone who was involved with every aspect of our event, including our: host Rev. Abe Cho, many affiliates, church partners, donors, viewers, and more.
Thank you for your support and dedication to Hope for New York!