Next Step Community Church, formerly Recovery House of Worship, creates environments to help hurting people heal, from providing holistic care to those experiencing or recovering from addiction to meeting the practical needs of individuals and families in Downtown Brooklyn. Current programming includes serving at their community food pantry or breakfast, visitation ministry, supporting new parents and more.
From sharing the good news of Jesus Christ, to creating environments that help hurting people heal, Next Step Community Church is equipping all to reach others for Christ.
Our Partnership
Mobilizing Volunteers
Next Step Community Church had a successful volunteer pilot with its Saturday morning pantry outreach. We hope to expand on this success and continue recruitment for this outreach.
Creativity From Our Volunteers
Next Step Community Church serves the changing downtown Brooklyn community by providing diverse programming for young infants all the way to the elderly.
Why We Love This Affiliate
We love Next Step Community Church because it continues to serve a community in need, surrounded by a rapidly changing demographic in the downtown Brooklyn area.
Volunteer Opportunities
Opportunity For
Opportunity For
Opportunity For
In just one year, more than 130,000 migrants have arrived in New York City to seek asylum. Many have traveled for miles and for months from South America, specifically Venezuela, to the United States.
Volunteering and engaging volunteers as part of my full-time work at The Bowery Mission stems from my own turbulent experiences in New York City.
As our affiliate partners grow and evolve, some also evolve into new organization names.