Mission: To help without discrimination the "poorest of the poor"--the hungry, homeless and indigent who have nowhere to turn and often suffer alone because of societal indifference or disdain. The Salvation Army of Greater New York, founded in 1880, works to eliminate poverty by meeting the emotional, physical, and spiritual needs of anyone who walks through its doors.
Board Type: Young Professionals Board
Skills Desired:
- Communications/Marketing
- Fundraising/Networking
- Event Planning
Number of Meetings Per Year: 4
Give/Get Policy? Monthly $10 or annual $120 membership due, a fully tax-deductible donation.
Commitment: 5-7 hours per quarter
Age Range: 21-35
About the Young Professionals Board:
The New York City Echelon is a chapter of a national young professionals leadership group, actively working to eliminate poverty through fundraising and volunteerism.
Criteria for Membership:
To become an Echelon member, young adults must be committed to the mission of The Salvation Army of Greater New York and must participate in Echelon fundraising and volunteer events.
Expectations for Echelon Members:
- Attend quarterly all-member meetings.
- Attend at least one event per quarter; each quarter there are two events, alternating between social, volunteer, and fundraising opportunities.
- Monthly $10 or annual $120 membership due, a fully tax-deductible donation.
- Invite at least one person to participate in any event you attend.