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City Relief

Offer Soup, Prayer & Resources in Chelsea Park

About this Opportunity

City Relief is a mobile outreach to the homeless. They connect people to resources that lead to life transformation. Their team of staff and volunteers believe that everyone deserves a place to call home because homelessness is a struggle, not a life sentence.

City Relief outreaches feature a custom bus with a built-in kitchen, office, and resource center. They drive the bus to 5 locations throughout New York City weekly providing consistency and developing relationships with those they serve.

The staff and volunteers serve homemade soup, beverages & fresh bread, while also offering socks, hygiene kits and prayer.

Volunteers assist with a variety of activities such as

  1. Setting up tables, chairs, and tents on the street.
  2. Pass out soup, bread, & beverages, and offer socks (& more!) to visitors at outreach.
  3. Maintain a high level of cleanliness at and around the outreach.
  4. Travel in teams around the nearby area to invite guests to the outreach.
  5. Assist with site clean up and breakdown of tables, chairs, and tents.

Volunteers are encouraged to personally interact, through conversation, a shared meal, and even prayer with the people we serve.

As a volunteer, you will help connect guests to City Relief staff for a Life Care Visit; a conversation where hope and tailored resources are offered.

The minimum age to serve with City Relief is 16 years old. Volunteers under 18 need a guardian's permission to serve, and one adult to serve as chaperone per four minor volunteers.


Chelsea Park
West 28th Street & 9th Ave
New York, NY 10001
United States

Opportunity For
Age Minimum