Project 12.31
Project 12.31

Volunteer at Free Store on the Upper East Side

About this Opportunity

Project 12.31 seeks to educate, equip, andempower every human on their journey to radical kindness, intentional connection, extreme generosity, and active compassion. Project 12.31 does this through various projects that focus on social issues affecting our world.

Project 12.31 and Upper East Side Open Hearts are organizing a free store on Saturday, February 22 in honor of Valentine's Day. The free store will offer winter clothing, toiletries, games & toys, snacks & resources for neighbors experiencing homelessness and housing insecurity.

On February 22, volunteers can serve in two shifts:

  • 10am-1pm: Assemble hygiene kits at the church. Help with set-up and sorting.
  • 1pm - 3pm: Help shoppers and/or hang with kids at the craft table during the free store (1 PM - 3 PM)


  • RSVP for a shift below. You can sign up for one or both.
  • Complete the google form in your confirmation email to confirm your service.

Church of Heavenly Rest Outreach
1085 5th Ave
New York, NY 10128-0114
United States

Opportunity For
Age Minimum