In April, both Prison Fellowship and Young Life came together for a one-day youth basketball event! In total, 106 young people attended, and it was a powerful day.
Now in its fourteenth year, Don't Walk By continues to serve our most marginalized neighbors living on the streets. This year, with rising concerns around the Omicron variant, more changes were made to Don't Walk By.
For National Volunteer Week (April 17 to April 23), we're spotlighting four volunteers who connected with affiliates through our church partners. Hear what it means for them to serve different communities.
Together with Rescue Alliance, we host Don’t Walk By every year in February, the coldest winter month. In 2022, we will still continue our annual winter outreach, but with three significant changes.
Nine affiliates gave special shout outs to Hope for New York volunteers for supporting their work and their communities during the pandemic's earliest days.
Despite the long and dark pandemic season, we saw sparks of hope, which are captured in these stories that our affiliates shared about the earliest pandemic days.