The Salvation Army provides services to those in need, including emergency social service programs, after-school programs, and disaster relief.
To help without discrimination the "poorest of the poor"--the hungry, homeless and indigent who have nowhere to turn and often suffer alone because of societal indifference or disdain.
Addiction Recovery
Children & Youth
Communities in Need
Affiliate Since

Our Partnership

Mobilizing Volunteers
Currently, our volunteers serve at three Salvation Army locations in Manhattan: NY Temple, where Redeemer Downtown meets on Sundays, Manhattan Citadel in Harlem, and Times Square.
Making Grants To Fund Programs
Our grant funds support youth dance, drama and music classes at the Times Square Performing Arts Institute for youth.
Training And Consulting
The Salvation Army Emergency Services lent their expertise on the 1 year anniversary of Superstorm Sandy, leading a workshop on Disaster Preparation for HFNY Affiliates.

This year I met a young woman named Alison who used to sleep on the steps of this building. She refused shelter, insisting that she felt safest on these steps. She spent most of her time completely drunk. We told her every day that Jesus loves her, and that He has more for her life than alcoholism and abuse.  We would give her blankets, shoes, and food, and she began to come to our Sunday church services.  Last November, Alison finally enrolled in a Salvation Army drug rehabilitation program, and today she is sober, working, loving Jesus, and learning to serve others in His name.

Lt. Olivia, Staff


Our annual homelessness outreach was a success this year in reaching many unhoused neighbors! For one Saturday, over 240 volunteers gathered at The Salvation Army on West 14th to serve in various roles, including street outreach and on-site hospitality. 
Every year, our affiliate partners share stories of how they meet the specific needs of New Yorkers in need of hope.
In just one year, more than 130,000 migrants have arrived in New York City to seek asylum. Many have traveled for miles and for months from South America, specifically Venezuela, to the United States.