What comes to mind when you think about the sin of Sodom? Do you ever really admit to having the same struggles as those fellow image bearers who lived in that vile city? Yet the cloth of their hearts and that of ours are woven from the same thread.
This year, Hope for New York turns 25. And to think it all started with a group of young people who, despite their lack of experience or training, responded to the call with a simple, "Let's do it."
The writer of Hebrews says, “Let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works.” Certainly, serving the poor and marginalized together is one way to encourage one another toward good works and build one another up in Christ.
Pastor Zac Martin reminds us that God has placed us in our home, on our street, in our workplace, and in this city to be ambassadors declaring and displaying that reconciliation is possible. Are you game?
Living in the most populated city in the United States alongside 8.5 million people brings with it a unique set of challenges. This is especially true for children and youth who grow up calling this place home. Find out about some of the struggles our New York City children face each and every day.