On May 19, in partnership with Restore NYC, we hosted our first-ever workshop focused specifically on the issue of sex trafficking in New York City. Read more for video and summary of the workshop, and learn how you can get involved!
In preparation for our Don't Walk By outreach during the month of February, here are 5 ways you can join us in prayer for our homeless neighbors this month.
You and I will not be able to solve the “homelessness problem” as defined by the world and the society we live in. But we can find a way to get people to the feet of Jesus and offer folks the one thing that we all need to live a life of purpose and meaning: we can offer hope. Here are 3 practical
We asked Abe Cho, assistant pastor at Redeemer WS, to recommend a book on mercy & justice that's been important to him recently. He recommended "Friendship at the Margins," and told us why.
This weekend, Redeemer Presbyterian Church is celebrating its 25th Anniversary... and we're celebrating, too! We thought it would be fun to share a few of our favorite quotes from Redeemer Pastor Tim Keller on loving and serving the poor.