4 Meaningful Quotes from the Virtual Homelessness Summit

Our first Virtual Homelessness Summit was an impactful day focused on the challenges our homeless neighbors face daily. More than 300 attendees tuned into the online Rescue Alliance event on a Saturday morning to be educated, equipped, and engaged!
Focusing on Our Neighbors in Need
Host James Winans, CEO of The Bowery Mission, kicked off the day before Josiah Haken, VP of Outreach Operations of City Relief, interviewed two of his friends who have experienced homelessness, Detra Thomas and Wayne Batchelor.
Throughout the day, our attendees also listened to and engaged with experts leading various breakout sessions. Topics were on mental health, paths out of homelessness, taking the first step to help, how to go deeper in volunteering, what churches can do, and women and homelessness. Rescue Alliance and HFNY affiliates who led sessions included All Angels' Church, City Relief, Recovery House of Worship, Safe Families for Children, The Bowery Mission, and The Salvation Army.
To increase interactivity, attendees stopped by the virtual Expo to talk 1:1 with organizations serving vulnerable neighbors in our city. We're so thankful to the incredible team that worked on the Summit, to Detra and Wayne for sharing their stories, and to all our attendees for spending time with us.

Our Favorite Quotes from the Summit
Here are special words of wisdom that both Detra and Wayne shared:
"I came to New York to die, but God brought me to New York to live." — Detra
"Clearly God's providence was, I want you here [in New York]." — Wayne
"Even though I don't go to church anymore, I have not lost my faith in one true God. I have learned God still loves and protects me. He has protected and provided for me in unique ways ... He has provided breadcrumbs. He sees me ... and sorrow passes through. I celebrate May 24 every year as getting out of the shelter." — Detra
"I remind myself that God is real, God is real, and God has a purpose ... People placed in different points of my life show me that God is in control of all situations. God is there in the midst of this. Constant reminders. He hasn't left me. It's a journey where he is there and he's constantly reminding me that he's there. Otherwise, what would I have to live for? The fundamental thing to hold onto is Christ." — Wayne
Please continuing praying for:
- Detra to recognize God's breadcrumbs in her life
- Wayne to find a permanent and affordable housing