All Angels' Church is an Episcopal church that serves the holistic needs of homeless men and women in the church and its surrounding community through meals, Sunday worship, Bible studies, drop-in service programs and a recovery cafe.
All Angels' Church, located on the Upper West Side of Manhattan, is a diverse community of people from the New York Metropolitan area: urban professionals, artists, families, singles and students, bound together by a common faith, love for God and love for our city. The church was planted by St. Michaels's Episcopal Church in 1859 as a mission in Seneca Village (now Central Park) to freed and runaway slaves and new immigrants from Europe. Today, All Angels' continues that mission in being a visible sign of God's invisible kingdom breaking through the dividing walls of racial, socio-economic and generational differences in our world.
All Angels' Church Community Ministries programs exist to empower and equip people struggling with homelessness, addiction and mental health challenges to be dependent on God, independent in self-care and inter-dependent within the Community.
Our Partnership
Mobilizing Volunteers
Our volunteers serve the community meals on Sundays evenings and help support weekly services at the Pathway drop-in program.
Making Grants To Fund Programs
Our funding covers costs for computers and supplies for the recovery and job preparedness programs as for the meals programs.
Training And Consulting
We have funded All Angels' staff to go through a rigorous leadership development training program and have fully covered costs for an outcomes measurement project.
Volunteer Opportunities
Opportunity For
Opportunity For
On the road to recovery, to be accepted, known and held accountable by others is imperative for lasting transformation. Our commitment is to be a loving and supportive community where that hard yet hopeful work takes place.

Chelsea Horvath, Director of Community Ministries
Father God, thank you for your presence here with us this morning. Thank you for giving us the chance to worship you together in person and be reminded of your faithfulness towards us.
Grantmaking is one of the four cornerstones of our model (which also includes volunteer mobilization, capacity building, and collaborative networks). Every June, we give Direct grants to many of our affiliates so they can plan their programs for the coming year.
Our first Virtual Homelessness Summit was an impactful day focused on the challenges our homeless neighbors face daily. More than 300 attendees tuned into the online Rescue Alliance event on a Saturday morning to be educated, equipped, and engaged!