Father God, thank you for your presence here with us this morning. Thank you for giving us the chance to worship you together in person and be reminded of your faithfulness towards us.
A critical aspect of our model is capacity building, which focuses on equipping and strengthening our affiliates through in-house training sessions and workshops, plus specific capacity building grants that provide additional training.
This past year, our affiliates have faced many changes, including some updates to organization names! Here are the reasons why three affiliates refreshed their names.
As we reflect on this past fiscal year (July 1, 2020 - June 30, 2021), it's clear how much we reimagined our work (from events to campaigns to programs) alongside our affiliate partners.
The hardships that the homeless face in my community has had a tight hold on my heart and conscience ever since I was a kid. During college and in my first few years in New York City, I had opportunities to serve or volunteer, but for many reasons, I did not commit to them.