New York City Relief: HFNY Volunteers Share Why They Serve

Since 2004, we've partnered with New York City Relief, a mobile bus outreach that serves our homeless neighbors at seven locations throughout New York City (and even two locations in New Jersey).
Each week, New York City Relief organizes eight outreaches, making sure their bus is parked outside specific locations (like The Bowery Mission or The Salvation Army) to offer various essentials such as soup, bread, socks, hygiene kits, and even prayer.
Hope for New York helps provide volunteers for various locations and, recently New York City Relief showcased some HFNY volunteers at their South Bronx location. Hear from Beth Tepes, one of the volunteers, and why she was impacted from volunteering.
Quotes from HFNY Volunteers
I had a wonderful time volunteering with NYC Relief. I was just so happy to serve our city and being out there, well I was beyond blessed myself. I went there to serve and encourage and yet I left with my heart just full of love and encouragement. — Beth Tepes
Volunteering for NYC Relief is an opportunity to glimpse God's love in action through the community that has been fostered over years. It is a powerful example of the possibility of God's renewal in the lives of individuals and in a neighborhood. — Josh Warner

More Stories From Our Volunteers
Photos and video by Corey Hayes, Creative Director of New York City Relief