
Seeing Blindspots (and Shalom) at Christmas

It was Christmas time, and my classmates and I sat in a circle on the carpet of our kindergarten classroom. That day, we had been asked to bring in a Christmas treat for everyone. We took turns distributing our gifts to each other, dutifully dropping our offering into the personalized bags that sat before each student. When it was my turn, there was a moment when I doubted whether there were enough gifts in everyone’s bag for me. But I quickly dismissed the thought and made my way around the circle, beginning with my own bag.

Help Fill His Toy Store with 4000+ Toys This Year!

In 1995, Hope for New York created and launched its annual Christmas outreach “His Toy Store” to provide toys and gifts for families in need across New York City. In recent years, HFNY has worked with affiliates and church partners who provide space to host pop-up stores from Brooklyn to the Bronx. Each pop-up store is “owned” by a HFNY partner church, and is planned by a volunteer committee from that church.

A Reminder That Beauty and Brokenness Are Often Wrapped in the Same Package

Adrienne Heller is a veteran His Toy Store volunteer—so we asked her to share with us what she's learned from serving, why she keeps coming back, and how she's seen God moving in and through this annual Christmas outreach to our neighbors in need across the city.