Pitch Night 2023: A Night to Celebrate

Our annual Pitch Night event was a true celebration this year! Many joined us at W83 Ministry Center while others tuned into our livestream.
Pitch Night is the culmination of our Community Grants Circle (CGC), an invitation-only program that provides our most dedicated donors with an inside look at our grantmaking process.
At the end of the CGC program each year, three affiliate partners are nominated to present ("pitch") a program idea for a chance to receive extra funding: $20,000 Community Investment Award. Eligible attendees listen to all the pitches before voting on the one they want to receive the award!

2023 Pitch Presenters
Three CGC participants each introduced on affiliate present. The Bowery Mission's Rachel Rowland, Development Officer, kickstarted this year's event, followed by New Beginnings Center of Hope's Alecia Jones, Chief Executive Officer. Youth For Christ's Dan Sanabria, Executive Director, was the final pitch!
Our attendees voted for Youth For Christ to receive the $20,000 award, to fund a part-time Site Coordinator role that will connect with and serve more young people in a Bronx juvenile detention center. Runner-ups The Bowery Mission and New Beginnings Center of Hope were each awarded $10,000 as well! The Bowery Mission will invest in a Salesforce consultant to support the Development Team while New Beginnings Center of Hope will invest in a Fatherhood Engagement program to champion fathers.
Every year at Pitch Night, we are impressed by all our affiliates and their program pitches.

A Stronger Network
After our program ended, attendees joined us for a celebratory dinner provided by Jacob's Pickles.
We loved seeing our network of donors, volunteers, young professionals, churches, and affiliates connect with each other. Our check-in table was also turned into an impromptu dinner table for more supporters to dive into deeper conversations!
We can't wait to see what next year's Pitch Night has in store! (See more Pitch Night 2023 photos)

Read more about Pitch Night:
Photos by Austin Wideman (www.austinwideman.com)