Youth for Christ serves incarcerated and formerly incarcerated youth in responding to their needs with relational programs that encourage conversation and build capacity for success in them.
Our international YFC mission statement is - YFC reaches young people everywhere, working together with the local church and other like-minded partners to raise up lifelong followers of Jesus who lead by their godliness in lifestyle, devotion to prayer and the Word of God, passion for sharing the love of Christ and commitment to social involvement.
Our Partnership
Mobilizing Volunteers
Our volunteers walk alongside the young people to demonstrate real, loving and consistent mentorship.
Creativity From Our Volunteers
Youth for Christ seeks to build valued relationships by partnering with the local church to raise up life long followers of Jesus and to be empowered to make decisions supporting their physical, spiritual and emotional well being.
Why We Love This Affiliate
We love Youth for Christ because of their desire for every young person to have an opportunity to make an informed decision to be supported holistically and to be renewed and restored in Christ.
Volunteer Opportunities
Opportunity For
Every year, our affiliate partners share stories of how they meet the specific needs of New Yorkers in need of hope.
At our Fall Benefit this year, held at the venue SECOND, we focused on this theme of beauty in brokenness. Here are four highlights of the evening!
Our annual Pitch Night event was a true celebration this year! Many joined us at W83 Ministry Center while others tuned into our livestream.