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Safe Families for Children

Serve on the Advisory Board for Safe Families for Children

About this Opportunity

Mission: Safe Families for Children creates extended family-like support for families through a community of devoted volunteers motivated by compassion to keep children safe and families intact.

Vision: To create a world where children are safe and families are transformed through radically compassionate communities.

The Safe Families for Children Advisory Board is a team of individuals who commit their unique experiences and expertise to assist in implementing, guiding and sustaining our local NYC SFFC Chapter.

Skills Desired: Fundraising/Networking/Legal/Nonprofit

Due to the nature of this position, Board Members need to have their own personal Christian faith.


  • Serve as ambassadors for the mission of SFFC, extending the network and public awareness of the organization’s presence in NYC
  • Advise on programs and organizational planning, offering strategy and wisdom
  • Support fundraising and the sustainability of the local chapter
  • Review financials and budgets
  • Provide support and accountability for the chapter director


  • Serve a 2 year term, which can be extended by majority vote
  • Attend quarterly meetings
  • Give financially on an annual basis in one of 3 ways:
    • Prioritize SFFC NYC as one of your top 1 or 2 giving recipients (after church)
    • Give a minimum of $5000
    • Give $500 and find 10 others to give the same
  • Serve on at least 1 committee/working task team:
    • Church Recruitment
    • Referring Organization Recruitment
    • Fundraising
    • Staff Support
    • Board Recruitment
    • Parent Engagement
  • Commit to praying regularly for SFFC NYC
  • Collectively make sure the following roles are filled: Chair, Secretary, Treasurer
  • Participate in the recruitment and nomination process of additional advisory board members as needed
  • Complete an annual performance review (self-evaluation)

SFFC is governed by a national board of directors in Chicago, therefore the Advisory Board does not have governance authority for the local NYC chapter. The local advisory board can not:

  • Hire or fire the chapter director or staff, although recommendations will be highly considered
  • Make decisions that encumber the entity financially or legally
  • Approve budgets or spending
  • Make policy decisions

Safe Families for Children NYC Advisory Board Identity

We are committed to Jesus and the local church.

We are passionate about mobilizing the church to be good neighbors, particularly to those who are isolated and struggling.

We are passionate about the mission of Safe Families for Children: to create extended family-like support for families in crisis through a community of compassionate volunteers.

We are passionate about keeping children safe and families intact.

We are committed to dedicating our time, skills, and resources to further the growth and sustainability of SFFC.

We are committed to being advocates and ambassadors of SFFC in NYC.