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Do For One

Become a Supportive Neighbor to an Adult with a Disability in NYC

About this Opportunity

Through Do For One, you will have the opportunity to be selectively matched into a one-to-one supportive relationship with one adult who has a disability.

We are looking for day-to-day New Yorkers who are interested in learning more about becoming a freely given, enduring friend and supportive neighbor (called an "Advocate") to one person who has been marginalized in society due to having a disability. Please note that not everyone who expresses interest in becoming an Advocate will automatically be matched into a supportive relationship.

The ideal candidates to become Advocates are rooted in the NYC area with no foreseeable plans to move away from the area.

In a city where power, beauty, talent, intellect, and money are highly valued, those who cannot readily provide these characteristics go overlooked.

  • In fact, many of the people with disabilities we serve cannot name even one relationship with a person who is not paid to spend time with them.
  • Do For One addresses the underlying problem of social exclusion and believes we all have something to offer each other and our communities.
  • We believe that there is simply no substitute for freely-given and mutually beneficial relationships motivated by love. When people across societal barriers come together in friendship - everyone benefits.

Application Process:

  • Click the "Request Information" button to let us know you're interested and someone will be in touch with you within 48 business hours.
  • You will be asked to Zoom with a staff for 30 minutes to share more about your personal background and interests, and hear more about the way Do For One's vetting and matchmaking process works.
  • You will also be invited to an upcoming orientation session where you will hear about the history and core values of Do For One, which is a requirement for all who wish to become an Advocate. Advocates are thoughtfully vetted and matchmaking takes time, discernment, and is a collaborative process.
Opportunity For
Type of Screening
Age Minimum